The WAR Room

The Ekballo Pasadena War Room is the furnace, the fuel, and the center-piece of everything we do. Our War Room is patterned after the New Testament church whose base was the "upper" prayer room where they met daily in united fervent prayer and worship to the Lord and the Moravians who fueled an unprecedented missions movement through united day and night intercession. All of our missional efforts and assignments are just an overflow of the victories won and the grace received in our corporate times of prayer and worship in the War Room. 

Built on TheCall's War Room model, this model of intercession has taken shape in prayer rooms across the US, from Pasadena, CA to El Paso, TX, to Washington, D.C. Regardless of the location, the War Room experience includes the unique culture of united contending intercession, intimate devotion, and high praise.

Every school day, our students spend approximately 2 hours together in the War Room in united worship and contending prayer. During these times, our students receive hands-on training in strategic intercession and gain precise directives and strategies for the harvest.


In days of high moral conflict, we cannot afford to passively sit on the sidelines while our families unravel under the extraordinary spiritual onslaught we see all around. No place is safe: home, school, work. Modern society is a minefield of falsehoods and perversions, easy temptations and overwhelming despair. Our spouses and children are being stolen right from under our noses. Non-intervention is no longer an option.

To counter this devastation, the Holy Spirit is putting steel in the spines of mothers and fathers.“Not my child!” is our new cry. This is why we fight.

When you look around, do you see a nation thriving in God or edging toward the brink of moral anarchy? Do you read headlines with trepidation and think, “That has got to change!” Have you personally witnessed dangerous anti-Christ pressures in our culture wearing down your children? What will tomorrow’s lawlessness, despair and hyper-sexualized commercialism force upon your grandchildren? In two years, or five, or ten…

Our nation needs awakening and transformation. War Rooms pray to bring change, not only to our families, but to injustice and unrighteousness in our land.

The Great Commission begins with intercessors. Yes, we pray for our families and our nation. But we must never forget that the family of God includes every nation on the earth. Ultimately, our task isn’t finished until they are brought home. If the Cross reveals God’s desire for all men to be saved, then War Rooms can and should be formed to pray in the harvest at the end of the age. Most churches have a mission program, whether by giving or by sending. A War Room is the missions program of prayer focused around Matthew 9:38.